Morse High School World Literature Students Get a Lesson in Global Trade

February 26, 2015 – 09:05 am

What does World Literature have to do with Global Trade? On the surface, it seems like they are two completely different things. However, they are more connected than you think. In order for works to be considered world literature, they have to be circulated on a global level, which requires a process of trade and exchange. To help her 12th grade students understand this concept, Morse High School teacher, Sonja Taylor – who recently attended a global trade curriculum development workshop hosted by the San Diego CITD and Deputy Sector Navigator for Global Trade and Logistics (DSNGTL) – decided to invite guest speakers to her classroom to explain global trade and talk about the career potential of this field.

Working with the SB1070 CTE Regional Pathways Project, which helped to organize the global trade curriculum development workshop that Ms. Taylor participated in, the San Diego CITD and DSNGTL arranged for industry professional Lynn Hijar – owner of online international trade platform – to give a presentation on the concept of global trade to Ms. Taylor’s 5th period World Literature class. After Lynn’s presentation, which explained why global trade is important and how products get from one country to another, DSNGTL Program Coordinator, Gabriel Reyes, provided an overview of global trade and logistics career opportunities along with the educational and training programs available at the community colleges in the region that can help them get into this field.


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