YA novels About cancerNovember 21, 2022 – 09:55 am

The Fault in Our Stars has become something of a phenomenon, a staggeringly popular YA book that has spawned a high-profile movie (out this weekend) and somehow created a nation where young people are now familiar with the word cannula. And infinity mazel tovs to everyone involved: It s a good book, and a good movie (I hear), and we all like a good cry now and then. But let s not act like TFIOS invented teen cancer books. Teen-with-cancer YA books… Please visit site https://masm1x.org/.
Novel Stars submission answersNovember 1, 2022 – 09:51 am

You need something to get you through the cold, dark days until you can finally Trek Into Darkness, but Star Trek novels are so much more than something to tide you over until the movie comes out. Here some reasons you should consider picking up a Star Trek novel. 1. So, how’d that work out? If you’ve ever wondered about the aftermath of an Original Series episode, there’s probably a novel for that. If you don’t like that novel, there’s probably another…
Visual novels like 999October 28, 2022 – 08:54 am

In Jeremy s post on the 3DS s recent sales surge, one of his points really stood out to me; namely, that the original DS popularized previously unknown (or recently nonexistent) types of games for an audience still trying to wrap their brains around the system s two screens and novel means of input. And while the genre in question hasn t yet reached the popularity of brain training, dog raising, or gentleman simulation (a la Professor Layton), without…
New novels to readOctober 27, 2022 – 11:13 am

EXPAND Dean Haspiel s Beef With Tomato is a semi-autobiographical work that you need to read this fall. Dean Haspiel, Alternative Comics It’s almost fall somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall, as in cool temperatures and the beginning of a new school year. As this is being written, it’s monsoon season in the Valley and school has been in session for weeks. When we were kids somewhere else, Labor Day felt like New Year’s Day, only better, because…
New novelsOctober 26, 2022 – 10:31 am

With the launch of a new all-canon supported universe, Star Wars novels (along with other mediums) are now able to explore significant moments in the history of a galaxy far, far away in a new, definitive fashion. With four novels released in the last year, Del Rey’s Star Wars stories have revealed hidden backstories, displayed seminal moments, and helped establish the new history of characters like the Emperor, Luke Skywalker, and Kanan Jarrus in…
Young Adult novels in VerseOctober 21, 2022 – 06:44 am

Audacity by Melanie Crowder (available now): A historical fiction novel in verse detailing the life of Clara Lemlich and her struggle for women’s labor rights in the early 20th century in New York. All We Have Is Now by Lisa Schroeder (July 28): Since she ran away from home Emerson has been living on the streets of Portland, relying on her wits and her friend Vince to get by, but as a meteor approaches North America they meet Carl, who tells them…