Business Bookstores in Oakland CAMarch 5, 2016 – 02:05 pm

Business Bookstores in Oakland CA

Our bookstores have closed for every reason under the sun. Many were started by people with a passion for literature but weak business skills and other have fallen prey to escalating rents and a dismal economy. Perhaps a more pernicious reason, contributing to the closure of bookstores, is simply less demand for the product. There is mounting evidence that we, all Americans, are simply reading less. The National Endowment for the Arts issued a report…

Business books Online FreeFebruary 2, 2016 – 12:11 pm

Business books Online Free

Did you know that 2012 is `The Year of Reading’? I had no idea but was secretly pleased to know that this year I’ve been reading more books – both physical copies and digital, than I did for most of 2011. So perhaps, instinctively I knew that this was the year to stimulate my brain and fill it with insight and wisdom from some smart entrepreneurs. I adore reading, particularly novels I can get wrapped up in and lose all track of time and reality… - best upsc coaching in kolkata

Business books for teenagersJanuary 17, 2016 – 11:28 am

Business books for teenagers

Every once in a while, you read a book that changes you - inspiring your career, clarifying your goals, challenging your thinking. The right book can give you the courage to start your business, the reality check that you re not yet ready or the quiet affirmation that you re not alone in your fears or ambitions. It can set you on your path to success. We asked our expert contributors to name the one book that most influenced and inspired their careers…

Business books a MillionJanuary 13, 2016 – 11:13 am

Business books a Million

Books-A-Million — the Alabama-based book chain with a prominently located outpost on Dupont Circle — is shuttering its doors July 18 and has no plans to relocate in the District, a store employee said Wednesday. Karen Sickles, the store’s assistant manager, said the D.C. bookstore “lost” its lease and is selling its remaining inventory at discounted prices until it closes later this month. In 2014, First Potomac Realty Trust purchased 11 Dupont Circle…

Universal themes in LiteratureDecember 28, 2015 – 10:28 am

Universal themes in Literature

With state testing fast approaching, I have found myself carefully analyzing our benchmark assessments for instructional focus. One of our identified areas to address includes identifying the theme of a passage. Being new to the grade level, I wasn t sure if this went beyond my familiar 3rd grade goal of understanding a fable. After some work and research, I m ready to share how you can teach theme in the upper grades. This post includes SMART Notebook…

Business books Free downloadDecember 8, 2015 – 08:00 am

Business books Free download

In my experience, the smartest people in the room are the ones who read. (Take it from me: I read a lot and I m utterly brilliant. Humble, too.) For what is sure to be a limited time, Amazon is offering three business-oriented e-books for free. No strings attached; all you need is a PC, a Kindle, or any device capable of running a Kindle app (which means virtually every smartphone and tablet on the planet). The books have a combined value of about…

Business books on ChangeNovember 22, 2015 – 07:08 am

Business books on Change

Putting together a list of excellent books on any subject is always a highly subjective exercise. Nonetheless it is often useful to try to sort through the clutter and at least try to assemble some worthy nominations based on a book’s quality or popular appeal (and all the books on this list have regularly topped the best selling and popular lists internationally and all carry between 4 and 5 star rating on The list of Top 20 of the best…