Novels for high school studentsJune 11, 2015 – 07:21 am

High School Class analyzes “Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel” A couple weeks ago, I received a Facebook friendship request from Mrs. Danelle Rivera. I didn’t know her, but clicked on the ‘confirm’ button anyway and went about my business. The next day, she sent me a note – thanking me for the friendship and for writing “Cherries”. Turns out Danelle is a Social Studies / History Teacher at Discovery Canyon Campus High School in Colorado Springs – a public… Please visit site
World Literature Classics for high schoolAugust 7, 2015 – 07:17 am

Ruben Padilla Jr. reads the 2007 sci-fi novel “Unwind” by Neal Shusterman in an English class at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview. (Stacey Wescott, Chicago Tribune) Love it or loathe it, Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet has served as a rite of passage for high school students for generations. In addition to the Bard, teachers have long relied on Socrates, Kafka, Steinbeck and a host of other authors whose works earned the distinction of being… Look at altenative agar server and get biggest!
Short novels for high school studentsApril 15, 2015 – 02:40 pm

Do you have the gift of the written word? There are a variety of fiction writing contests available for high school students that are an ideal way to show off your writing. Think how hard you have worked and the confidence you’ve gained in your writing. It’s time to share it with the world! Our favorite high school fiction writing contests include: Skipping Stones magazine recognizes high school students that are working to promote multicultural…
Detectives of Seonam Girls high school castJune 17, 2015 – 12:39 pm

(Photo : jTBC) The Korean Communications Standards Commission is investigating the February 25 episode of the teen drama “Seonam Girls High School Detectives, ” due to a kiss scene which involved two female students. The jTBC program decided to tackle the issue of homosexuality head on, by incorporating the scene, which was not approached from a comedic angle. This was an unusual approach for a program airing on Korean television. Even though, “Seonam…
Writing, Literature, and PublishingNovember 4, 2014 – 10:17 am

An outspoken gay activist makes a 180-degree reversal, rejecting his sexuality, spreading anti-gay opinions, and joining the Christian clergy. With a video camera, some basic lighting equipment, and an Internet connection, Sasha Alsberg ’19 operates the second-largest book-lover site on YouTube— Abookutopia—which boasts more than 200, subscribers and almost 15 million views. VMA Associate Chair and Professor Martie Cook, who created Emerson’s new…
Detectives of Seonam Girls high schoolJuly 17, 2015 – 02:10 pm

There will be miracles, if you believe. You guys, two cool things you need to know about South Korea nowadays: The first one is that they have this show, this presumably awesome show, called Seonam Girls High School Investigators. What is it? It’s Veronica Mars times five, is what it is. (That’s my interpretation, anyway.) Seriously, just consider this: Five female students (five leading ladies, right there!) are members of a private investigator…
Thomson Gale Literature Resource CenterMarch 7, 2015 – 11:52 am

The world’s most current, comprehensive and reliable online literature database, Literature Resource Center is uniquely relevant to today’s researcher. Its rich critical, biographical and contextual content supports interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy and the development of critical-thinking skills. Full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text…