The NYPD detective shot in the wrist by his soused partner is back on the job, but has been stripped of his badge and gun, law enforcement sources said Saturday.
Detective Matthew Sullivan, 35, was immediately put on modified assignment after coming back to work this week, the sources said. Sullivan had been recuperating after Detective Jay Poggi, 57, shot him following a heavy night of drinking April 24.
The duo had signed out of the 75th Precinct stationhouse in Brooklyn at about 6:45 p.m. the night before, saying they were headed to the Rockaways to investigate a robbery.
But they spent more than four hours drinking at The Wharf Bar & Restaurant in Rockaway Park, where security video showed Poggi knocking back 11 beers. Sullivan downed about the same, as well a shot of booze, police sources said.
Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily NewsPoggi shot Sullivan in the wrist shortly after the two left the bar, officials said.
He said his gun accidentally went off as they sat in their parked car and he showed Sullivan the hammer on his revolver. The revolver was said to be an older model.
Yet Internal Affairs was suspicious of his account because the bullet passed through Sullivan’s wrist and no bullet holes were found inside the car.
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton ordered Poggi fired in May. At the time, the 31-year NYPD veteran had just put in his retirement papers, officials said.
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