Business books for WomenMay 15, 2015 – 03:57 pm

By Holly Reisem Hanna Are you looking to load up your e-reader with some new books to boost your business or career? Well, look no further. We put out the call to find the best business books on the market for women. Topics range from finding your niche and marketing your business, to self development, and motivational training. Where ever you’re at in your career or business — there’s a book for you! by Dan Miller An incredible book endorsed and…
Business books Must readMarch 31, 2015 – 11:27 am

September means back to school for kids nationwide. Another year of syllabi, textbooks, tests, and lots and lots of new facts. Too bad the full-time learning ends when you enter the professional world. Or does it? We thought the kids shouldn’t be the only ones sharpening their skills this year. Our business books reading list is tailored just for grownups looking to expand their knowledge or refine their professional tactics. Plus, it’s organized…