School essays on school FinanceMarch 19, 2015 – 01:44 pm

The relatively short LBS MFin essay questions, together, convey the adcom’s interest in both who you are and how you envision and plan your career. Given that your classmates will be experienced (the average work experience is six years), it’s important to deliver throughout and “across” the essays mature, informed insights and perspectives derived from your experience in your particular area of finance. The essay questions are: 1. What is it about…
School essays on alcoholMay 21, 2015 – 12:30 pm

2015 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Granholm decision, which ruled against two states’ laws that discriminated against out-of-state alcohol producers but also affirmed that “The three-tier system is unquestionably legitimate.” How has this “unquestionably legitimate” system fostered competition, increased new products available to consumers and worked to protect consumers and the public? “The CAP Essay Contest is intended to…
Printable Literature Circle JobsFebruary 2, 2015 – 04:17 pm

Literature Circles is an exciting reading program that allows students to take control of their own learning. In this program, the class is divided into reading groups, with each group consisting of four or five students. Each group then has the opportunity to select its own book to read, as well as the pace at which it wishes to read it (all under teacher supervision, of course). During the reading of their selected literature, students complete…
School essay against marijuanaOctober 6, 2015 – 03:37 pm

Image Credit: Alexa T., Pompton Plains, NJ They say marijuana is a helpful medicine. They say it makes you calm down and feel good. They also say that it isn’t as dangerous or harmful as alcohol and other drugs. Those are some reasons why they want to legalize marijuana. But are they right? No they are not. Marijuana should stay illegal in the United States because if it is legalized, more people will smoke it, causing negative effects on health and…
School essays for kidsMarch 4, 2015 – 05:37 pm

Eventually every child in the household from aged 6 to 16 is given a simple reading and math test. The assessment classifies children’s reading abilities according to levels that are easy to understand. Children who can correctly identify letters but cannot read words are at “letter” level. Children who have moved beyond letters and are reading words but cannot string together sentences are at “word” level. Children who can read several sentences…
School essay banned cupcakesDecember 13, 2014 – 08:49 am

For decades, underfunded programs within schools have relied on bake sales to raise money. Traditionally, popular items like homemade cupcakes, cookies, and other sweets have generated heaps of revenue, funding school clubs, sports teams’ uniforms, and other academic essentials. However, The Wall Street Journal is reporting on new federal regulations, set to take effect this fall in many US states, that would so seriously limit bake sales as to render…