Business books for KidsNovember 2, 2015 – 01:53 am

Business books for Kids

Five Brilliant Business Books for Kids Many of us are both parents and businesspeople. We’d like our children to grow up equipped for careers, entrepreneurship and success. So I thought I’d share my take on five brilliant business books for kids. Mike and his steam shovel Mary Anne face an industry in change. New entrants with disruptive technologies like gas, diesel and electricity have rendered their product noncompetitive. So they seek out greenfield…

Business books TorrentOctober 20, 2014 – 01:02 pm

Business books Torrent

Description Packed with innovative graphics and simple explanations of business concepts, from managing risk and alternative business models to effective leadership and thinking outside the box, The Business Book covers every facet of business management. Big ideas make great business thinkers and leaders. From Adam Smith and Andrew Carnegie to Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, The Business Book is perfect for college students, would-be entrepreneurs…

Literature genres GothicOctober 23, 2014 – 03:35 pm

Literature genres Gothic

There are a number of techniques, devices and conventions common to a great deal of Gothic literature: WEATHER: used in a number of ways and forms, some of these being: Mist - This convention in Gothic Literature is often used to obscure objects (this can be related to the sublime) by reducing visibility or to prelude the insertion of a terrifying person or thing; Storms - These frequently accompany important events. Flashes of lightening accompany…

Business books - For DummiesMay 3, 2015 – 09:10 am

Business books - For Dummies

Bookkeeping is traditionally seen as the less fun aspect of starting your business. However, the core of any business lies in bookkeeping. When people talk about setting up their own business, they often fear the prospect of recording financial transactions. Hiring a financial whizz is seen at the top of a startup s agenda. The truth is, you don t have to be proficient in the shortcuts of Excel to be your own bookkeeper. When I started my first…

Business books OnlineDecember 22, 2014 – 10:45 am

Business books Online

Do you really need to attend a business school to be a successful entrepreneur? While it may help you in certain circumstances, it isn’t a necessity, especially when you want to start an online business. Pete Cashmore began Mashable when he was only 19. And look at how amazingly successful it is today! But the road to success isn’t easy. You need to gather adequate information, couple it with wisdom and imagination to make things work. And what could…

Business books for saleNovember 13, 2014 – 01:37 pm

Business books for sale

By In What are the best sales tactics and sales strategies to grow my business? Every business owner has asked that question more times than they care to count. And the following best sales books give you the answers. Selling strategies have changed in interesting ways with technology. The following guide to best sales books will show you how to combine tried-and-true sales strategies with the newest sales approaches to getting and keeping the most…