Do you have the gift of the written word? There are a variety of fiction writing contests available for high school students that are an ideal way to show off your writing. Think how hard you have worked and the confidence you’ve gained in your writing. It’s time to share it with the world!
Our favorite high school fiction writing contests include:
Skipping Stones magazine recognizes high school students that are working to promote multicultural, environmental, and international awareness. The Youth Honor Awards are awarded annually to student writers and artists. The written submissions can include short stories, poems, and essays, and must be either neatly handwritten or typed. Fiction pieces should be under 1, 000 words. The annual submission deadline is in May and the winners are published in the autumn issue of Skipping Stones magazine. Winners also receive an Honor Award Certificate, a year-long subscription to the magazine, five different multicultural and environmental books, and the opportunity to join the Student Review Board.
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards has recognized outstanding student authors since 1923. Noteworthy former winners include John Updike, Truman Capote, and Joyce Carol Oates. Students can apply in 28 different categories of art and writing, and winners get their work either published or exhibited. Writing submissions are judged by an esteemed panel of world-class writers, sometimes including past winners. Each submission is judged on technical skill, originality, and the presence of a clear vision and voice. Regional and national award winners are eligible for a variety of different monetary awards in addition to publication in the National Catalog.
Bennington College recognizes outstanding high school writers who display exceptional writing skills with a strong voice and vision. Submissions are accepted in poetry, nonfiction, and fiction categories. Students in 10th through 12th grade can submit a one-act play or a short story, sponsored by a high school teacher, to be considered for the fiction contest. The first-place fiction winner receives $500 and the second-place winner receives $250. Former winners of the Bennington Young Writers Award include three US poet laureates, seven Pulitzer Prize winners, and one Man Booker Prize winner.
Teen Ink Magazine is a publication dedicated to teen writers. Students are encouraged to submit stories for review. Selected stories are published in Teen Ink and winners receive a complimentary copy of the magazine that features their work. Submissions must be between 500 and 2, 500 words and can be any fiction genre including horror, mystery, adventure, romance, sci-fi, and fantasy.
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