The Fault in Our Stars has become something of a phenomenon, a staggeringly popular YA book that has spawned a high-profile movie (out this weekend) and somehow created a nation where…
You need something to get you through the cold, dark days until you can finally Trek Into Darkness, but Star Trek novels are so much more than something to tide you over until the movie…
In Jeremy s post on the 3DS s recent sales surge, one of his points really stood out to me; namely, that the original DS popularized previously unknown (or recently nonexistent) types…
EXPAND Dean Haspiel s Beef With Tomato is a semi-autobiographical work that you need to read this fall. Dean Haspiel, Alternative Comics It’s almost fall somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere…
Read moreWith the launch of a new all-canon supported universe, Star Wars novels (along with other mediums) are now able to explore significant moments in the history of a galaxy far, far away…
Read moreAudacity by Melanie Crowder (available now): A historical fiction novel in verse detailing the life of Clara Lemlich and her struggle for women’s labor rights in the early 20th century…
Read moreI like to go on a morning run (jog, sometimes trot) the last morning of the school week, which is typically Friday mornings, to reflect on my week of teaching. Did I do a “good” job?…
Read moreReading aloud from novels is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy reading picture books, as well, but there is nothing like a good children’s novel, shared out loud. I tend to think…
Read moreIreland, considering its size, has produced a disproportionately large amount of world renowned writers. Ireland, considering its size, has produced a disproportionately large amount…
Read moreThe New York Public Library is proud to announce its list of the Best Books for Teens 2014! The list includes a selection of 25 novels, non-fiction books, and graphic novels chosen…
Read moreWe pretty much breathe, eat, and sleep all things young adult books, but where did it come from? What’s the actual definition? Let us break down everything you need to know about how…
Read moreLearning to make Android apps is alot like sayingI wanna learn how to write novels in Spanish You cant just start writing novels in Spanish if Spanish isn t your primary language…
Read moreI don t know what it is about autumn but it puts me in the mood for history. Maybe it s just my subconscious connecting the season with Thanksgiving and early Colonial American history…
Read moreAuthor: Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Year Released: 1986 Get This Book Watchmen is a graphic novel — a book-length comic book with ambitions above its station—starring a ragbag of bizarre…
Read morePOV (point of view, not power of veto, all you Big Brother viewers) is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when planning your book. Although traditionally third person is…
Read moreMultiple YA books are hitting theaters and the trend does not seem to be slowing down, especially for multi-book series. We all saw what a mega success the Harry Potter and Twilight…
Read moreThe Fall by Claire McGowan Headline, 2012. The Fall tells the story of the aftermath of a crime from the point of view of three characters. Charlotte, in PR, is engaged to Dan, a city…
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