Former NIS America staff Kickstarting visual novel dungeon RPG Undead Darlings
A visual novel dungeon RPG about curing the zombie plague.,
Mr. Tired Media, a company established by former NIS America marketing manager Ryan Phillips and NIS America localization editor Nick Doerr, has announced Undead Darlings: No Cure for Love, a post-apocalyptic dungeon RPG / visual novel / “horror comedy” game planned in May 2016. A Kickstarter launched today is seeking $50, 000 in funding for a PC version, with $100, 000 and $225, 000 stretch goals for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions, respectively.
The game follows Reginald “Reggie” Happenstahnce, the son of a scientist who created the cure for the zombie plague, who, with the help of a cast of girls who didn’t quite finish turning into zombies, must deliver the cure somewhere it can be mass-produced.
Players will travel through post-apocalyptic dungeons and fight in turn-based battles on their quest, as well as learn more about the undead girls traveling with them based on the choices made through the game’s visual novel segments.
Here’s the full outline, via Mr. Tired Media:
Have you had enough ham-fisted, symbolic tales about how humans are the true monsters in a world ravaged by the undead? Enter Undead Darlings ~no cure for love~, a hybrid visual novel dungeon crawling RPG that is primed to shatter the entire zombie apocalypse genre by turning that premise upside-down and inside-out!
Undead Darlings ~no cure for love~ tells the tale of Reginald “Reggie” Happenstahnce, who just so happens to be the son of the scientist who created the cure for the zombie plague. And as his luck would have it, he is told all this by a wild cast of girls who didn’t quite finish turning into brainless zombies. Their bodies may be dead, but their hearts are still human. They want him to succeed in his quest to deliver the cure somewhere it can be mass-produced and dosed out properly, so they will venture into dangerous territory in an effort to protect him from getting infected–under the condition that he act as their loot donkey and carry all their things.
Ogre through post-apocalyptic dungeons and fight in the most-revered classic JRPG style of turn-based combat in this romantic horror-comedy. Learn more about the undead girls traveling with Reggie based on choices made during the visual novel-style segments. Perhaps one of them will grow close enough to him for romantic feelings to develop, and they may even place enough trust in him to volunteer to be the first test subject for his father’s cure!
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I am guessing you are referring to graphic novels, or book-length comics. Check and other online book companies, under "graphic novels." You might also check N Y Times for graphic novel reviews, or NY Public Library - their site is huge. Laura Esquivel wrote "Like Water for Chocolate" and I believe she had a graphic novel out. There is also software out, for creating your own.