World Literature AncientAugust 25, 2015 – 07:16 am

World Literature Ancient

Originality in Ancient Literature Most early works were written in the poetical metre which the writer had heard repeated over time and, therefore, the dating of such pieces as the Enuma Elish or the Odyssey is difficult in that they were finally recorded in writing many years after their oral composition. The great value which modern-day readers and critics place on originality’ in literature was unknown to ancient people. The very idea of according…

World Literature AssignmentsDecember 1, 2014 – 11:36 am

World Literature Assignments

World Literature Assignment Help Of The Best Kind Literature subjects have been flavor of every season. In fact, students studying literature are growing day by day. And, why not? Literature subjects are considered to be light and not brain racking. Students get to read and write short stories, novels and more. Moreover, increasing number of people are writing novels; and World Literature Festivals seem to be the order of the day. However, writing…

World Literature CrusadeMarch 1, 2015 – 12:22 pm

World Literature Crusade

By Dr. Kisha Tracy, Fitchburg State University I often teach a course entitled “World Literature I.” This course, as anyone knows who teaches one similar, poses several problems. For starters, the breadth of the material is daunting as it covers ancient and classical literature through the sixteenth century. The geographical expectations are also an issue as we are expected to engage with the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman foundations of Western…

World Literature ArticlesAugust 25, 2015 – 07:46 am

World Literature Articles

Literature circles are one of the hottest trends in language arts teaching. Two experts in the field offer insights and advice about using this instructional strategy. Included: Valuable resources for teachers who want to learn more about using literature circles in their classrooms. I love it! The kids love it! I get goose bumps when I walk around the room and hear the excitement about books! wrote one teacher in a recent listserv posting. That…

World Literature HomeschoolJuly 8, 2015 – 09:39 am

World Literature Homeschool

My youngest son had the opportunity to be part of Sabrina Justison’s popular World Literature homeschool group class several years ago. He is a good student but reading is not his favorite subject, so I wondered what he would think of an entire year of literature from other lands. I was pleasantly surprised when he made it through the entire year without once complaining about the reading selection! He found it refreshing to read books from other…

World Literature and LanguageAugust 16, 2015 – 01:35 pm

World Literature and Language

Globalization is one of the great issues facing universities today, particularly in humanities departments. It means different things to different people, but most agree that globalization pluralizes. In the words of Jonathan Arac, globalization “opens up every local, national or regional culture to others and thereby produces ‘many worlds.’” However, this rapid pluralization is occurring in the age of English, when a single language has achieved…