World Literature Builds a Powerful Transcript

July 8, 2015 – 09:39 am
My youngest son had the opportunity to be part of Sabrina Justison’s popular World Literature homeschool group class several years ago. He is a good student but reading is not his favorite subject, so I wondered what he would think of an entire year of literature from other lands.

I was pleasantly surprised when he made it through the entire year without once complaining about the reading selection! He found it refreshing to read books from other cultural perspectives. What a blessing!

We found out that there are benefits to the student AND benefits to the transcript by taking a World Literature course in homeschool high school.

Here are 3 ways World Literature builds a powerful transcript:

History and Philosophy of the Western World by 7 Sisters Homeschool1) Specific-topic courses look GREAT on a transcript. Rather than simply showing “Language Arts” on the transcript, “World Literature” adds SPARKLE. (And we all know that SPARKLE looks good to many colleges.)

2) World Literature on the transcript shows cultural awareness. American literature is wonderful, but it is written from an American perspective. People from other cultures and backgrounds have very different lifestyles and worldviews. It is good for our homeschool high schoolers to get to know other kinds of people. It is good for the transcript to show that our teens have done that.

3) World Literature is hip! World Literature is a hot-topic course. We Americans are learning to be proud of our country but global citizens as well. World Literature on the transcript is one way to show your homeschool high schooler is a global citizen. (Of course, we Christians should be global citizens as we “go into all the world and preach the gospel”.)

By the way, one great way to have a more comprehensive academic year is for your homeschool high schooler to study World Literature for Language Arts AND for Social Studies choose History and Philosophy of the Western World.


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  • avatar Is this the worst period in the history of the world for literature? | Yahoo Answers
    • Maybe not 'worst' if you check out 'Savoy Books', 'S.Clay Wilson', Margaret Thatchers biog. that soon came out in the chip shops. There's usu. good stuff around, and people fleeing their own countries for it... Rousseau, Solzenitzyn, Hesse, Kesey. Always tensions. It does seem that history shows intense creative episodes eg Maupassant and his crew.