World Literature project ideasSeptember 29, 2014 – 04:23 pm

Retelling is a key indicator for comprehension. Pixie provides opportunities for students to retell using a combination of text, visuals, and oral language. Retelling stories through the comic genre is a lot more exciting than a worksheet! The visual nature of comics helps students cement ideas through nonlinguistic representation. If students create multiple pages in Pixie, they can print 4 to 6 pages per sheet to share in comic form. Because of…
World Literature Summer Reading listMarch 28, 2015 – 08:15 am

Digital media editor Jen Rickard Blair ’s summer reading picks range from multiethnic mystery to dystopian sci-fi. We suspect she’ll read these in a lawn chair or on the couch with her new dog snuggled up into a somewhat precarious position on Jen’s knees, shoulders, head, or toes. Nest of Worlds Marek S. Huberath. Michael Kandel, tr. I recently read one of Marek Huberath’s sci-fi short stories and am very excited to read this novel , which is his…
World Literature degreeSeptember 21, 2015 – 12:06 pm

Guest post: A Worried Student The first thing people think when I tell them that I am studying English is that I must be mad. Either that or I want to be a teacher – in which case, they still think I am mad. The problem with studying English literature at university is that you will initially have to constantly explain your decision to those around you. If your family members do not have a history of studying an arts or humanities subject, then you…
World Literature how the World was madeJuly 10, 2014 – 01:48 pm

Certain cherished books are like old loves. We didn’t part on bad terms; but it’s complicated, and would require too much effort to resume relations. If one’s first love is for Letters, people tend to come second (or possibly third). Yes, books are ink-and-paper relationships that can supplement and, at times, displace flesh-and-blood relations. Such was my breathlessly intense, and evidently unhealthy, understanding of literature as an impressionable…
World Literature Today JournalMay 27, 2015 – 01:48 pm

Dr. House at his desk, ca. 1948 World Literature Today was founded as Books Abroad in 1927 by Roy Temple House (1878–1963), a scholar of vision from the University of Oklahoma. In a letter to OU president William Bennett Bizzell, Dr. House explained his founding vision for Books Abroad and requested a startup budget of $150 for the first two issues. With characteristic modesty, he wrote: “. . . I know our little magazine will be useful in various…
World Literature for teensApril 24, 2015 – 01:50 pm

Translated literature is for grown-ups—or so goes conventional anglophone wisdom. And yet there are excellent translated titles available for younger readers, offering them a broader literary palate. Since 1968 the US-based Mildred L. Batchelder Award has celebrated translated literature for young readers. This year, Lebanese author Zeina Abirached’s graphic novel A Game for Swallows was one of three honored titles. With few exceptions, the Batchelder…
Third Grade Literature Circles rolesDecember 22, 2014 – 04:06 pm

Thursday Throw Down is a link up that I host on the first Thursday of each month. Be sure to come and read about all the ways teachers are making their lessons more interactive. This year s interactive literature circles are about as interactive as it gets! After doing literature circles for a few years and in a few different ways, I decided to do an interactive version this year. Of course, literature circles are, by nature, very interactive. Students…