In an alternate universe to the original Clannad anime, Okazaki Tomoya is dating Sakagami Tomoyo in the 24th and final episode of Clannad.
01 Aug.This is the adaptation of the second route of the popular visual novel: Fate/stay night. In this route, Rin Toosaka will be the major female character.
11 Aug.Fuyuki City—a city surrounded by the ocean and the mountains becomes the setting for an age-old ritual.
11 Aug. 13 Mar.Riki and his friends have been managing to form a complete team for the Little Busters baseball team and after overcoming some of its new members' internal conflicts, Riki and Rin slowly approach t
06 Jan.Since 1973, an invasion of aliens known as BETA upon Earth is driving human civilization into nearly collapse.
03 May.Source:
As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me DVD (ANDERSON DIGITAL)
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There are no english dubbed visual novels. There are a couple of RPGs with english dubs and there are maybe two games made originally in English with voice acting, but NOBODY dubs visual novels. Visual novels are a tiny niche market that gets only a handful of sales, and even crap dubbing would bankrupt them.
If you're interested in visual novels please help support the market by buying legal games so that more will get translated.