You want to be a detective? Uncover clues? Follow leads? Solve mysteries? I don’t blame you, being a detective can be really exciting. It can also be dangerous. Are you up for dangerous?
You can learn everything you need to know to go from Rookie to Ace Detective. Try out the Bernstein Academy: or any of the detective activities listed below. Learn and practice new detective skills then test each skill online following clues and doing labwork.
If you are curious, like to ask why, are a good listener, pay attention to details, and can keep your cool…make yourself a Rookie ID and start building your skills. If you’re good, you just might become an Ace.
Get started at What’s My Detective Name? Then make yourself a Rookie ID and stash it in one of these homemade wallets:
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1. Believe you are telling the truth
2. Work with lie detectors and other machines to learn to control your psychobiological response to the situation in question. The detectors are measuring physiological changes in your body that suggest high levels of stress and other emotions such as guilt. They cannot actually measure whether or not you are lying, only whether you have the responses that suggest you are lying.