Are novels in italicsFebruary 14, 2015 – 03:45 pm

A reader wonders why he is seeing book titles presented in all capitals: I’ve even seen publishers and editors do it, so I started thinking maybe I was misinformed. Typing book titles in all caps is a peculiarity of the publishing industry. According to The Chicago Manual of Style, the practice originated in the days of the typewriter when titles that are now easily italicized on a computer had to be underscored; typing the title in all caps for industry…
Tsukihime visual novel H ScenesNovember 22, 2014 – 03:19 pm

By Andrew Erickson Let’s talk about visual novels. By and large they’re poorly written and full of porn, and I could leave it at that, but I want to take a look at why the format has jumped headlong into appealing to the lowest common denominator. In theory, it should make for all kinds of interesting stories: they’re like novels, but with sound and graphics and maybe reader interaction! There are so many possibilities, what could possibly go wrong?…
New novels of February 2014April 21, 2015 – 10:50 am

Of course it is more than a roll of the dice. A lot of work and effort goes into medical treatment applications for approval and into evaluating them for consideration. As was widely discussed in FDA-watching circles, the agency approved a total of 41 novel new drugs in 2014 – the most in a decade. Novel new drugs are are a subset of the overall number of new product approvals and often represent those drugs which offer an advancement in patient care…
Popular novels for TeensOctober 25, 2013 – 03:49 pm

We don’t typically need an excuse to offer reading recommendations by the truckload. But as this year’s Comic-Con has just come to a close, now seemed a fitting time to take a look at this year’s best graphic novels for YA fans, because who does fandom better than YA? You’ll need some reading material to tide you over until the next comics mecca, and luckily 2015 has provided a bumper crop. and , by G. Willow Wilson Last year’s reboot of the series…
Are novels primary sourcesFebruary 19, 2014 – 10:52 am

Guest post at In writing Conceit, I drew mainly on primary sources. I was happiest when I found eye-witnesses, for instance Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, who wrote about the Great Fire of 1 in their diaries, which I consulted for the prologue. Izaak Walton was very helpful also, with his book on fishing and his biography of Donne. He wormed himself into my affections so fully that Pegge became infatuated with him. I have written separate posts on…
Top novels of all TimesFebruary 13, 2014 – 03:01 pm

Tom Jones Henry Fielding (1749) Joyous and irrepressible, bawdy and fast, Fielding’s picaresque adventure is short on moralising over sexual liaisons, and long on a rich depiction of 18th-century life. Ceaselessly engaging and everlastingly fresh. Emma Jane Austen (1815) Of all Austen’s heroines, Emma Woodhouse is the most beguilingly flawed; and naturally, beneath the comedy of disastrous match-making and snobbery, the narrative has a keen intelligence…