Visual novels Flash gamesJune 24, 2019 – 05:50 am

This trope is an Anime/Manga exclusive. In some scenes with couples, there will be a static background shot of a school facility (usually a hallway or yard) or any home/urban/park area, with a notorious vanishing point (generally centered), representing the protagonist s point of view. In the foreground there s a medium shot of almost always a female character with a shy or gentle expression. This is known as the standing image , in which the character…
Top novels for Elementary schoolMay 22, 2019 – 09:15 am

Maybe I obsessed a bit much over bringing books into my daughter Raina s life. Before I even bought a onesie or diaper, shopped for cribs, figured out how to install a baby car seat, read What to Expect When You are Expecting , or did any other nesting activity, I scoured yard sales and the internet for great deals on books to start a library for Raina. When we designed her nursery, building a floor to ceiling bookshelf topped my list for must haves…
YA novels About SuicideMarch 3, 2019 – 09:08 am

The two final paragraphs from this blog post really resonated with me last week when I read them. Everyone knows mental illness exists, everyone knows that the effects of mental illness can be terrible, and yet, people don’t want to talk about it. It’s not a pleasant topic, but it’s one that needs to be addressed and needs to be approached with more honesty and compassion. Over the last year, depression and suicide have seen more time in the spotlight…
Visual novels on SteamFebruary 11, 2019 – 08:45 am

Don’t be fooled by the bright colors and seemingly innocent atmosphere of this one. HuniePop on Steam is but an all-ages version of a very adult game available on Mangagamer (site NSFW). Complete with an immersive dating sim, match-3 puzzle system, and a visual novel presentation HuniePop is definitely a unique game. It’s also a successfully funded KickStarter drive from November 2013. It promised originally to deliver by the end of 2014, but a month’s…
YA novels minority protagonistJanuary 7, 2019 – 07:26 pm

In order to compile this list, I asked two YA writer friends of mine, Molly Backes and James Klise (; also a school librarian) to help me with some suggestions. The following list will get anybody—boy, girl, youngster, adult—itching to read. I know, I know, a lot of good ones were left off this list, but consider this a jumping off point, and offer your own reading suggestions in the comments! , by James Klise This book, by my friend James Klise…
Visual novels AmericaSeptember 29, 2018 – 12:06 pm

Former NIS America staff Kickstarting visual novel dungeon RPG Undead Darlings A visual novel dungeon RPG about curing the zombie plague., Mr. Tired Media, a company established by former NIS America marketing manager Ryan Phillips and NIS America localization editor Nick Doerr, has announced Undead Darlings: No Cure for Love , a post-apocalyptic dungeon RPG / visual novel / “horror comedy” game planned in May 2016. A Kickstarter launched today is…
New novels fictionJuly 11, 2018 – 12:05 pm

Clockwise from top left: Sarah Waters, James Ellroy, Margaret Atwood, Haruki Murakami, Hilary Mantel and Howard Jacobson. Photographs: Murdo MacLeod/Richard Saker/Sarah Lee/Marco Garcia Murdo Macleod/Richard Saker/Sarah Lee/Marco Garcia AUGUST PR Throughout his career, Amis has had a fascination with the Holocaust and the problem of how to engage imaginatively with a historical horror beyond imagination. He set his 1991 novel, Time s Arrow, in a world…