Popular novels for womenJuly 11, 2022 – 07:54 am

Since the very beginning of science fiction as a literary genre, when early scientists used voyages to the moon as metaphors to write about their controversial scientific discoveries, authors have used sci-fi as a rhetorical tool. This is done so as to explore radical ideas and theories inside a relatively safe and fantastic world of fiction that does not immediately alienate the audience the authors hope to persuade. Scholar and literary critic Istvan…
Novel Online, freeJuly 11, 2022 – 07:54 am

Q: Is it a good idea to serialize an unpublished novel in a weekly blog? I have a completed sci-fi novel and was thinking about releasing it online, but I wasn’t sure if I should do this. Would it be good publicity for my novel, or would it make it harder to get my book published in the future? —Tiffany A. Publishing your material online for free has pros and cons. Let’s start with the cons, because no one ever worries about the potential pros (sky-high…
Top novels for college studentsJuly 6, 2022 – 10:21 am

The administration at Crafton Hills College, a community college in Yucaipa, CA, recently denied a student’s request to remove what she considered objectionable material from a college course on graphic novels. After enrolling in the course and purchasing her books, Tara Schultz was surprised to learn that some of the titles included mature material. “I expected Batman and Robin, not pornography, ” she told the (RDF). The four books on the syllabus…
Novels by John Grisham in orderJune 16, 2022 – 10:21 am

John Grisham is one of the most famous fiction authors of all-time. The former lawyer is famous for his legal thrillers, although he’s written quite a few great books that have never ended up in a courtroom. What’s very notable about the Grisham books is that (with the exception of his recent Theodore Boone series) he’s never resorted to using the same characters. Every novel Grisham has wrote, save for his young teen novels, are purely standalone…
Top novels of 21ST CenturyMay 27, 2022 – 10:06 am

A quick note: the following 10 novels will not appear on this list. It’s not your list. You might think these are great. I think they are overrated, whether because they are simply badly written (The Historian, The Memory Keeper’s Daughter), pretentious McSweeney’s-esque prattle (Absurdistan, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Everything is Illuminated), boring (Life of Pi), overrated due to serious subject matter (Lovely Bones), well written but…
Three novels by Charles DickensMay 27, 2022 – 10:06 am

250 Then imgwidth=300 ElseIf 0189200 Then imgwidth=250 ElseIf 0189150 Then imgwidth=200 ElseIf 0189100 Then imgwidth=150 Else imgwidth=100 End If % This is the wrapper for sixth installment of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the last novel of Charles Dickens, who died before completing the remaining six installments and revealing the solution to the mystery. Photo courtesy of WPI s Robert D. Fellman Dickens Collection, housed in the George C. Gordon…
Visual novels online for girlsMay 27, 2022 – 10:06 am

Sekai Project has published the English version of episodic visual novel Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru on Steam for Windows. It’s a spin-off title from the trilogy of visual novels and was originally released for PlayStation Vita in Japan last year. You play as Matsushima Michiru as she dreams of becoming an idolized singer but only performs at a dingy basement bar on the weekends. One night, Michiru sees a falling star and wishes upon it…