Visual novels with gameplayNovember 4, 2014 – 12:07 pm

The ever-present mechanic I’ve noticed in many Japanese games is Visual Novel dialogue and storytelling. It’s used in games such as Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea, Advance Wars, Metal Gear Solid, Ar Tonelico… The list just goes on and on. I’m so used to visual novels that I’ve almost taken it for granted in Japanese games, but since it’s so prevalent, it should be observed for its form and purpose even more. This raises some interesting questions: What…
Latest novels by James PattersonOctober 11, 2014 – 12:06 pm

James Patterson s empire is a vast one, and the movies and TV shows based on his work are myriad. With the dual CBS series, the Alex Cross project and, a little further down the road, a film called Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life, distributed by Lionsgate and produced by Participant Media, the Patterson brand is connected to a whole array of entertainment properties, stories and characters—including those lions, named Felix and Major. Oh…
Are novels underlined or quotedDecember 24, 2013 – 11:38 am

There are several reasons why many writers are confused about when a title should be quoted, italicized, or underlined. One reason is generational, meaning that some writers who are younger are at a disadvantage – or my advanced age provides me with an advantage. What you might not know is that two of those three options are the same thing. No, of course that doesn’t make sense, not yet. Have a seat, and let’s do some learnin’. Two notes: First, I’m…
Best novels Of Our TimeFebruary 23, 2015 – 02:37 pm

Peter Mehlman’s first novel, It Won’t Always Be This Great, is not the post-Gatsby, Great American Novel that we’ve all been waiting for — the story that captures the hopes, the fears, the rhythms and resentments of a younger generation. But it is something almost as noteworthy: the Great American Jewish Novel. Specifically, the Great American Jewish Novel of the Early 21st Century, comedy division. As the nameless narrator tells his story to a college…
Are novels fictionMay 29, 2014 – 02:16 pm

In writing terms, fiction is any non-factual narrative composition. It may be short or long. It may contain historical or scientific facts, and it may describe characters named for historical personages, but the conversations and treatment of events are understood to have been made up by the author. Fiction may be written in various lengths. Here are some guidelines. A short story is a fictional narrative of no longer than 20, words and no shorter…
Romance new novels BooksFebruary 10, 2014 – 11:55 am

By Sarah MacLean September 3 We know how love stories go. Boy meets girl and, whether it’s love at first sight or opposites attract, we know the ending. For every once upon a time, after all, there must be a happily ever after. The challenge for romance novelists is to make that happily ever after well-won — to imbue the story with adventure and conflict and just enough will-they-or-won’t-they to keep readers engaged. This month, three terrific novels…