YA novelsSeptember 27, 2022 – 08:23 am

Is there anything more exciting than the promise of a crop of fantastic new writers that comes with a new debut class each year? You may already know the answer is a resounding “No, ” but what you might not be aware of is that this year’s debuts are frighteningly fantastic. Ask anyone who gets their hands on YA books ahead of time, and I guarantee they’ll corroborate that the debut authors of 2015 are a serious master class across all genres. Of course…
History novels for TeensSeptember 22, 2022 – 09:12 am

I don t know what it is about autumn but it puts me in the mood for history. Maybe it s just my subconscious connecting the season with Thanksgiving and early Colonial American history, but I crave stories about Colonial and Revolutionary America every fall. So I thanked my lucky stars when I stumbled across this gem as I was browsing the Hamilton Grange YA shelves recently. There s nothing better than a great book with a sequel! Discover the rest…
100 novels of all TimeSeptember 22, 2022 – 09:12 am

Author: Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Year Released: 1986 Get This Book Watchmen is a graphic novel — a book-length comic book with ambitions above its station—starring a ragbag of bizarre, damaged, retired superheroes: the paunchy, melancholic Nite Owl; the raving doomsayer Rorschach; the blue, glowing, near-omnipotent, no-longer-human Doctor Manhattan. Though their heyday is past, these former crime-fighters are drawn back into action by the murder…
YA novel in third personSeptember 22, 2022 – 09:12 am

POV (point of view, not power of veto, all you Big Brother viewers) is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when planning your book. Although traditionally third person is most popular, many writers find first person works better for some stories. Not sure which is better for your novel? I’m here to help you figure it out. Find out what’s common for your genre Almost all books used to be written in third person, but first person is getting…
YA novels Becoming moviesSeptember 9, 2022 – 08:18 am

Multiple YA books are hitting theaters and the trend does not seem to be slowing down, especially for multi-book series. We all saw what a mega success the Harry Potter and Twilight series were and now we have been patiently waiting for the Divergent trilogy. The first installment of the series just premiered on Friday, March 21, 2014. With all the success, it seems we will continue to see more books hit the big screens and seriously, who can complain…
Novel - the Fall by Claire McGowanSeptember 7, 2022 – 09:32 am

The Fall by Claire McGowan Headline, 2012. The Fall tells the story of the aftermath of a crime from the point of view of three characters. Charlotte, in PR, is engaged to Dan, a city banker. Charlotte and her mother have been planning the wedding to the nth degree for many months. A week before the big day Dan, frustrated at the obsessively detailed and protracted level of effort required to organise the event, decides he’d like to go to a night…
Best novel EverSeptember 2, 2022 – 06:57 am

You guys know I love The Great Gatsby. It’s my favorite novel, and it currently sits #1 out of the 76 novels I’ve read during this project so far. But I haven’t talked about the novel in a really long time, like two weeks maybe. So I thought I’d break down why Gatsby is so awesome in a fun Friday listicle. Let’s go! So why is The Great Gatsby the greatest novel ever? 1. Because Daisy’s “voice was full of money, ” and that’s such a great character…