Visual novels freeMarch 17, 2022 – 07:14 am

Playing any game should be without shame. But the world of visual novels has some pretty steep prejudices attached to it. In a few cases, rightfully so; in most, not at all. Adult visual novels have always faced this in the West, where Japanese artistic sense and sexual norms are vastly different. But the one thing they have in common is the discrepancy between popular media and popular views regarding sex. George R.R. Martin nails it perfectly in…
Thematic Literature UnitsMarch 17, 2022 – 07:14 am

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. Virginia Euwer Wolff Each of us must find ways to live with courage and hope in an imperfect world. Middle grade students, in particular, stand on the cusp of self-discovery but are often uncertain how to navigate their path through adolescence. Many care deeply about fairness, justice, and reaching out to others, yet they wonder Where do I fit in? How can I make a difference? In my writing and in my work…
Latest novels by Lee Child in 2014February 28, 2022 – 11:14 am

Personal: A Jack Reacher Novel by Lee Child Do you like a slower paced action thriller, with some mystery, quite a few twists and surprises, and a hero who is very low-key, but can do much more than nearly any human alive. Jack Reacher has been around for a long time. This is the nineteenth book in the series, and there has also been many short stories , and even a movie. But if you haven’t read any of the books in the series, this one will be a fine…
Visual novels PSPFebruary 8, 2022 – 11:12 am

Visual Novel, Corpse Party is the PSP remake of the 1996 game Corpse Party PC-98, developed by doujin group Team GrisGris. The survival horror game is part RPG and part visual novel. It follows the story of eight students and one teacher as they try to escape the halls of Heavenly Host Elementary School. Scares ensue. Despite not being good with horror games, I tried my hand at XSEED’s localisation of Corpse Party. Well, I may have needed a few pushes…
Top novels of 2015January 19, 2022 – 11:10 am

So many books, so few hours at the beach! Get your summer reading on with these 10 great novels that will take you near and far, from the present to the past. Don t forget the sunscreen! What books are you reading this summer? From Amazon: Clara Cartwright, eighteen years old in 1929, is caught between her overbearing parents and her love for an Italian immigrant. Furious when she rejects an arranged marriage, Clara s father sends her to a genteel…
YA novels Black charactersDecember 30, 2021 – 11:08 am

Most of the time, I love young adult literature and am proud to be a YA librarian. But there’s usually a moment once a month when I feel sick, tired, and embarrassed to be working with YA books for a living — and that’s when I flip through my stack of review journals and see a menagerie of gorgeous white girls staring back at me from the covers of upcoming releases. If a YA book features a white, female protagonist (and this accounts for a not insignificant…
Visual novels animeDecember 30, 2021 – 09:43 am

Visual novels are home to plenty of anime adaptations. Unfortunately, many anime adaptations are on the bad-to-barely-passable side. This has to due with the vast amount of content, branching paths, dialogue heaviness, and sprinkling of eroge scenes (for some, not all) that are found in visual novels. Clannad is regarded as one of the best and most emotional. It s not-quite-harem setup with the girls, the growth between Tomoya and Nagisa, and the…