Top novels ePub mobiAugust 17, 2020 – 07:34 am

Kindle for PC or Mac Save the mobi file to a convenient location on your computer, such as the desktop. Download an install the Kindle app for your computer’s operating system: Find the mobi file you saved in step 1 then double-click it. It should open with the Kindle app. Note: In some cases, it may be necessary to right-click the file and select the application. Kindle for Android On your device, tap the Google Play Store or Amazon App Store icon…
Are novels Fact or fictionJune 18, 2020 – 07:31 am

Occasionally, we at Writer’s Relief find ourselves working with a writer who doesn’t quite know what genre he or she is writing (fiction or nonfiction). Let’s say a book or story is based loosely on the author’s real-life adventures. Perhaps the names have been changed. Or maybe one or two little things have been altered, but the story is largely factual. Here are some scenarios we’ve run into, along with suggested solutions. SITUATION ONE. The author…
History novels of World WarMay 29, 2020 – 07:22 am

The Second World War provided great fodder for novelists especially those with combat experience. Few novels, however, dealt with the “bigger picture, ” which is to say, those decisions that took the country into war and set the course that led to battle. That is left to professional historians where time, effort, and good scholarship dictate the essence of recorded history . But let’s consider wartime novels, often short of facts, but rich in truth…
New novels for May 2014May 9, 2020 – 07:18 am

Promised for years but continually delayed, Black Canary/Zatanna will finally become a reality when it goes on sale in May of next year . Written by Paul Dini and drawn by Joe Quinones, the original graphic novel finds the fan-favorite DC Comics heroines in their more traditional looks and teaming up to bring down a new threat who puts both of their fantastic abilities to the test. Dini announced he was working on a Black Canary/Zatanna team-up OGN…
Visual novels for XboxFebruary 19, 2020 – 06:52 am

Earlier today, 5pb. Executive Director Chiyomaru Shikura tweeted a photo of a piece of artwork (seen right below) from a forthcoming, undisclosed title that is to be presented at Comiket in Tokyo tomorrow (or Today for Japan #timedifference). Shikura stated that the artwork will be extrapolated on at their developer booth during the Comiket expo. He further went on to say that this new game represents a milestone in the history of visuals novels…
100 novels the GuardianDecember 1, 2019 – 06:33 am

If lists are a guilty pleasure, then book lists are a sinful addiction. That s an observation for which the Observer can adduce empirical evidence. Ten years ago, on 12 October 2003, in a headline-grabbing stunt, writing as literary editor, I compiled (with a lot of help from colleagues) a list, provocatively entitled The 100 Greatest Novels of All Time . Say what you like about lists, but this one rapidly developed a life of its own, like a sci-fi…
Are novels always fictionAugust 23, 2019 – 05:58 am

Just before Christmas my better half told me that she had never managed to read a science fiction novel all the way though. She had tried but she d found the books that had been recommended to her were just not her cup of tea. I did some digging and found out that the books that had been suggested to her in her formative years were the ones I read as kid: Heinlein, Herbert, Asimov, Clarke, Le Guin, Lem, PKD etc. She had zero patience for fantasy of…